Irrespective of the field, if you are curious enough and can formulate stuff on your own, research is extremely fun. You can see the results of something that no one in human history has seen before.
Right now I’m working on the application of a lot of statistical concepts in Manufacturing and Mechanical engineering.
I formulated and programmed a pedestal-wafer-showerhead system-level heat transfer solver on Python. I wrote scripts for statistical analysis of pedestal age data to draw useful inferences. I also wrote scripts to automate the analysis of Fluorine deposition from image data. In Lam research lab I got a very conducive environment while working on core Mech stuff and it trained my mind a lot.
It was a great first work experience but the work and the growth I saw there made me more inclined towards pursuing Mechanical in abroad where there is more alpha (R&D) work than the beta work.
I modeled acid flow in sonochemical reactors using SimpleFOAM and SRFSimpleFOAM solvers in OpenFOAM. I analyzed flow patterns for 5 test cases based on different snappy HexMesh scripts and boundary conditions. I facilitated the construction of a reactor prototype based on the above analysis for efficient recycling of scrap metals.