No matter which hat you wear, be it that of consulting, or a technician, you must understand how business works because that is how your company generates revenue.
I am working on a cloud based product. When a customer buys a subscription, the subscription must be put in a certain manner that he or she doesn't have to go through the entire setup configuration. I am working on an application on which customers will just have to click a button and then whatever they’ve subscribed to will automatically be configured.
My role was that of a process engineer only, but I dealt with cloud-based products. I worked on a simulation of a cloud-based platform. It was here that I started talking to multiple stakeholders. And I felt that there was no visibility in the work I was doing. I wanted to do something more holistic, wholesome, and impactful.
I did engineering for petrochemical plants and refineries. I built datasets for various equipment that are there in a typical petrochemical plant, how the pump, vessels should be designed, etc. My work involved engineering drawings and calculations.